Bass Note Strumming

Instructional PDF 1 page

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About This Lesson

In this video I’ll tackle one of the most essential strumming skills all guitarists should know – bass note strumming. That is, the ability to strum just the bass note (one string) of whatever chord you’re playing – which is usually followed by a full strum (all strings).

This one technique can be used in so many ways, from alternating bass notes to the “boom chicka” Johnny Cash style, and more. In my video lesson, I’ll break this down and show you 5 different steps to progress through this technique:

  • Step 1: Bass Note → Full Strum (2:08)
  • Step 2: Thickest 2-3 Strings → Full Strum (4:11)
  • Step 3: Bringing in a Steady Tempo (5:26)
  • Step 4: Light Strums on the Thinnest Strings (9:17)
  • Step 5: Turning it into a Strumming Pattern (11:48)
  • Final Tips & Advice (13:55)

And of course, there’s a one-page PDF guide you can save and/or print to reference while (or after) you’re viewing my video.

Without doubt, there are dozens and dozens of video lessons I’ve made previously where I rely on this technique – and often I’ve given a 15 second crash course – but I figured it was time to give a deep dive once and for all. I hope you enjoy!

Next Lesson: Alternating Bass Notes →