Strumming & Singing at Same Time

About This Lesson

In this video I’ll answer what’s probably the most common question folks send in — how to sing and strum at the same time! This can be enormously difficult, especially as you’re learning new strumming patterns. I’ll share with you the 4-5 most important tips on this topic, each of which I consider essential to include in your practice toolkit.

  • 0:52 Examples of this Question
  • 3:02 Isolate
  • 5:50 Simplify
  • 7:22 Slow Down
  • 8:48 Repetition & Consistency
  • 10:10 Playing Along
  • 13:03 Final Advice

Examples of This Question

Here’s a few example of this question, as sent in by members of the Song Notes community. I’m sharing these because I think it’s helpful for you all to see the exact way people word this question.

The most recent submission was sent in by Bill:

I really struggle with strumming patterns and keeping time. For example, in your recent song "Don't Think Twice", I have a very difficult time keeping a steady beat tapping my left foot and playing that rather simple strum pattern. I would like to take advantage of the many different strum patterns to enhance the music.

But when it comes to singing, changing chords and tapping my foot for the timing. I always seem to end up with a boom chuck or just straight up down strumming with the beat. Can you recommend any exercises to separate my tapping left foot from my right [strumming] hand?

And another example from Marc:

I was wondering if you've ever made any lessons about learning how to sing while playing guitar. I didn't find any on your site. I can usually play the more advanced versions of the guitar patterns for your various song lessons. But I'm trying to experiment with singing some of these songs. I have no singing experience whatsoever.

When I try to sing and play at the same time, I find it very hard to stop my strumming hand from abandoning the strum pattern and following the rhythm of the words. It's a bit easier with the most simple strum patterns, but still challenging. Anyway, I don't know if this is an issue other people have raised.

And one more, this coming in from Jim:

I have got the strum pattern and chord changes and lyrics memorized. My current challenge is to actually sing the lyrics while “automatically” strumming and making chord changes. I am struggling a bit with this. I think it is kind of like rubbing your tummy and the top of your head at the same time. I couldn’t find any hints on your website. Anyway any help would be appreciated.

My Previous Video On This Topic

A few years back, I answered this very same question! There’s definitely a lot of overlap in this older video vs. my new one – but are definitely some unique nuggets in this older clip. So, I’m sharing it here! Check it out if you’re interested. And wow, my beard used to be long!

Next Lesson: Strumming with a Light Touch →