51 results found for "Key of A"
"Me and Bobby McGee" by Kris Kristofferson
Blues Shuffle Riffs – Using Just Two Strings
Melody Deep-Dive: Sweet Caroline
Major Key Cheat Sheets! Must-Know Chords, Scales, and Fretboard Diagrams
Triad Practice Across the Fretboard
"Amie" by Pure Prairie League
Pentatonic Fun with Billy Strings' "Lonely At The Top" Riff
Major Pentatonic Scales in Open Position
"Amie" Intro Solo - Step by Step
"Star Spangled Banner" in Open Position
Major Scales in Open Position
Learning Chords in Key of A
"Grow Old With You" by Adam Sandler
"Southern Cross" by Crosby, Stills & Nash
"Oh, Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbison
"Fire and Rain" by James Taylor
First Steps in Learning "Fire and Rain"
"Me and Bobby McGee" Strumming Comparison (Kris vs. Janis)
Melody Deep-Dive: You Are My Sunshine
"You Are My Sunshine" by Johnny Cash
Strummy Walkdowns in Key of A
"The Weight" by The Band
Groovy Triad Improv w/ Basic Fills (Key of A Major)
Beginner Arpeggio Fun - 1 Shape, 10 Riffs
Beginner-friendly guitar slides (Keys of D and A)
Walking Up & Down in Each Major Key
Where Walkdown Notes Come From
"Tennessee Whiskey" by Chris Stapleton
2-string blues riffs for beginners (step by step)
12 easy ways to modify the A-major chord
"Lookin' Out My Back Door" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Triad exercises using A, D, & E
Cowboy Chords & Walking Basslines
"Guantanamera" by Pete Seeger
Open chords in the Key of A
"Please Come Home for Christmas" by The Eagles
Practicing country blues over a backing track (A-major and B-minor)
Playing A-major with big fingers or a small fretboard
How to spice up a 2-chord song (inspired by Chris Stapleton)
The "Pretty Woman" lick, played 4 different ways
"Slow Burn" by Kacey Musgraves
"Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground" by Willie Nelson
"Me and Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin
"Tuesday's Gone" by Lynyrd Skynyrd
How to play B-minor chord (Bm)
How to play A-major with one finger (barred on 2nd fret)
"Happy Xmas (War is Over)" by John Lennon
"Out on the Weekend" by Neil Young
"Give My Love To Rose" by Johnny Cash
"Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond
"I Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash