Welcome to the Song Notes beta!
Some older lessons still link out to Patreon for premium content...
For example, if you view the lesson page for Cover Me Up you'll notice that I have extended members-only videos — but they're only available on Patreon. I need to fix this — these lessons should show the videos directly on the lesson page (so logged in users can view them directly). If you run into any of these lessons, feel free to let me know — but I do plan on combing through things to clean them up.
Some "free" lessons still link out to Patreon...
A handful of my lessons are free, if you join my mailing list... and for each of these lessons I link out to Patreon for logged in users. I need to re-do this entire UX, as I don't want to link out to Patreon anymore on this website. I'll need to rethink how I give away free content... and likewise think about how existing members can get that same content. Examples: Wellerman and Blank Tabs.
Add click-to-copy for 50% discount code
This would be a huge quality-of-life upgrade... it'd be much better than requiring folks to manually select, copy & paste it.
"Community" page needs design that reflects logged-in status
e.g. have a single link that takes user to the space to request a post (and other common pathways).