Learning Lead Guitar

A collection of videos teaching you licks, riffs, solos, and other lead guitar techniques! Includes info on scales, CAGED shapes, and other helpful lead guitar concepts.

My Lead Guitar Journey

Though I’ve played guitar for over 20 years, lead guitar is something relatively new to me. This series of videos shows the path I took, one technique at a time, to slowly build up my skillset.

Song Solos & Riffs

Here’s the lessons I’ve made that tackle extended riffs or solos for popular songs. As I typically do, I break things down step-by-step and show you the recommended process of getting comfortable with these solos (as opposed to expecting you to immediately follow along with the finished tab).

Scale Reference Guides

Related to the topic of lead guitar is the topic of scales, which is where we get a lot of the notes and patterns and fretboard shapes we’ll use when creating beautiful melodies. I’ve included my recommended lessons on this topic here. There’s more to come on this topic, quite soon! But for now I trust this will help.

Get the Print-Friendly Guides

In addition to the video lessons I’ve made, there’s a bunch of instructional PDF guides I’ve made to accompany these lessons. These are all hand-made by me, giving you the helpful info in a print-friendly format you can download or print to reference at your convenience.

Each of these PDFs, along with any jam tracks and extended video lessons I’ve made, are available via the individual lesson pages above.

These, along with all the other instructional PDFs I’ve made, are included with Premium membership here on my Song Notes website. Thanks all of you who support me with membership — your support makes these lessons possible!