As I note in my video above, a while back I made a tutorial explaining how to read, write, and recognize chords written with tabs or fretboard diagrams. I absolutely recommend becoming familiar with both notation styles, as you’ll no doubt run into both as you learn guitar:
And don’t forget the PDF guide I made for this topic! It writes out all the must-know major and minor chords using both tabs and fretboard diagrams, allowing you to learn (or brush up) on both of these notation styles at the same time.
Check out my course Reading Music for Guitarists! It provides an extensive deep-dive into reading tabs, chord chats, and a handful of other notation styles you'll see when playing guitar. This includes guitar tabs, chord charts, strumming patterns, chord progressions, fretboard diagrams, and an overview of my song sheets. For each topic I have a video lesson, a PDF download, and a webpage component.
Next Lesson: Barre Chords & How to Avoid Them →