Little Talks
by Of Monsters and Men • Lesson #7 • Nov 17, 2013
Editor’s Notes
Here’s an acoustic guitar lesson teaching you how to play Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men. I’ll explain the chords shapes needed, talk through the progressions, and show you an example of how things sound when you put it all together. Best of luck with it!
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Chords w/ lyrics
(Capo 1st fret)
Am . . . F . . . C . . . G . . . (x4, with "hey!" on G)
Am F C
I don't like walking around this old and empty house
So hold my hand, I'll walk with you, my dear
The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake
It's the house telling you to close your eyes
Some days I can't even dress myself
It's killing me to see you this way
Am F
'Cause though the truth may vary, this
C G Am F C
...Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Am F C G
............ Hey!
............ Hey!
............ Hey!
There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back
Well, tell her that I miss our little talks
Soon it will all be over, and buried with our past
We used to play outside when we were young
...and full of life and full of love
Some days I don't know if I am wrong or right
Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear
'Cause though the truth may vary, this
Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore (...hey!)
Don't listen to a word I say (...hey!)
The screams all sound the same (...hey!)
Though the truth may vary, this
Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
............ Hey!
............ Hey!
You're gone, gone, gone away, I watched you disappear
All that's left is a ghost of you
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do
Just let me go, we'll meet again soon
Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around
I'll see you when I fall asleep (...hey!)
Don't listen to a word I say (...hey!)
The screams all sound the same (...hey!)
Though the truth may vary, this
Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Don't listen to a word I say (...hey!)
The screams all sound the same (...hey!)
Though the truth may vary, this
Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Though the truth may vary, this
Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Though the truth may vary, this
Ship will carry our bodies safe to shore
Notes and Tabs
Add a capo on 1st fret
Only if you want to play along with the recorded version of this song, then add a capo to the first fret. Otherwise this is not required.
Guitar chords used
Here are the tabs for the guitar chords used in this song. You’re essentially repeating the same Am-F-C progression most of the time, with the final progression before each chorus adding in a G to the end of this progression. If you can’t play the full F-major chord yet, use the easier version shown below!
e-|---0----1----0----3--- --0--
B-|---1----1----1----0--- --1-- <== left index
G-|---2----2----0----0--- --2-- <== left middle
D-|---2----3----2----0--- --3-- <== left ring
A-|---0----3----3----2--- -----
E-|--------1---------3--- -----
Am F C G F (easier version)
Chord progressions
| Am . . . | F . . . | C . . . | G . . . | x 4
"I don't like walking around this old and empty house..."
| Am . . . | F . . . | C . . . | . . . . | x 3
"'Cause though the truth may vary, this ship will carry us..."
| Am . . . | F . . . | C . . . | G . . . |
| Am . . . | F . . . | C . . . | . . . . |
"Don't listen to a word I say..."
| Am . . . | F . . . | C . . . | G . . . |
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