Of the 295 song lessons I've made, here are the ones I would consider beginner-friendly. Most of these songs need just 3-4 chord shapes, and can be played even if you simplify the strumming or skip certain riffs/fills.
While many of the lessons linked below may include intermediate & advanced content, please note that I typically begin each tutorial with the simplest possible instruction per that song – and then layer on additional concepts later in the lesson.
Please let me know what specific beginner content you'd like to see! I plan on continuing to add to this section of my website, and would love any requests or feedback. Thanks!
Key of G
Most songs here use some combination of G, C, D, and E-minor. Check out this G-major finger position guide for suggestions on how to position your fingers while playing these chords.
Most songs here use some combination of C, F, G, and A-minor. Don't be scared away by the F chord! You can totally get by using the 3-string version I teach in my F Chord Cheat Sheet (which shows many non-barred options). I also made this Key of C cheat sheet to give an overview of this entire key. And once more, the G-major finger position guide will come in handy with this chord family as well.
Most songs here use some combination of D, G, and A... with one or two of these songs using B-minor. For B-minor, the easiest way to play it is by sliding the A-minor shape up two frets (and only playing strings 2-3-4).
Most songs here use some combination of E, A, and B7. If you need help with these chords, I suggest my video showing walk-ups and walk-downs between E-A-B7, which is a super common technique used in this specific key.